Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where I come from

I was born in Laughlin Clinic in Greeneville Tennessee and raised primarily by my maternal grandmother. I can remember as far back to the Watergate hearings and I remember when my granny bought her first new brick home in the Asbury area of Washington county Tn. When we moved in the road paver was still in front of the house and the yards were all covered in straw this was 1971. I remember granny taking me down to Asbury elementary school for kindergarten but I hadn't had my shots so granny said we try again next year and I got my shots that fall and started school the following year in the first grade, completely skipping kindergarten! Mrs. Dyer was my first grade teacher she was short and wore horn rimmed glasses, I thought she was mean for some reason but I got along well in first grade. I knew all of my letters except "Q" and could tie one shoe, Joe Clay would tie the other for me. My school bus drivers name was Mr. Bird, I remember it because we rode a Blue Bird bus and listened to Daddy-O-Don Gibson on the radio, our school had three buses and Mr. Birds was the only bus with a radio so we could listen to tunes. Don Gibson had a monkey named Pedro the Monkey. I think he's still a dj back home but not on AM 790 WETB. Not sure AM 790 is even still around.
I'll post more later about where I come from

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