Friday, February 20, 2009

Second class parent

Well here I am again facing the prospect of spring break with the kids and the depressing notion of having to listen to my exwife change her mind about me seeing the kids. Last year I drove a total of 4,000 miles to spend the AFTER spring break with the kids, knowing full well they'd be in school and that I'd only get to spend time with them after school and when I arrived at their school, she quickly shuffled the kids back into school and refused to let me see them for a minute or even answer her phone to explain why. So a few weeks ago we decided to make a parenting plan, well that has went nowhere. She refuses to even return the parenting plan to me after I made the changes I want. She won't answer my phone calls or my text messages. So here is what my prediction is, as spring break looms closer, she'll change her mind completely about spending time with the kids, and it'll be another wasted trip. So, last year she took an order of protection against me and filed a harrassment charge. She's a cop in Kingsport Tennessee and never told me about the OP, even though we've been on 3 vacations together,,,2 with the kids and one without. Now I have decided to hire an attorney to take care of this. Another 1500.00 down the drain, that would've made for a great spring break! So then after that I'll have to retain another attorney to get the parenting plan to go through,,,blahhhhhhhhh. So the battle for what's best for the children is on, but I have a secret weapon in my arsenal.. A weapon I cannot divulge but I have hopes that in June it'll turn the tide on many things.

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