Friday, February 20, 2009

Second class parent

Well here I am again facing the prospect of spring break with the kids and the depressing notion of having to listen to my exwife change her mind about me seeing the kids. Last year I drove a total of 4,000 miles to spend the AFTER spring break with the kids, knowing full well they'd be in school and that I'd only get to spend time with them after school and when I arrived at their school, she quickly shuffled the kids back into school and refused to let me see them for a minute or even answer her phone to explain why. So a few weeks ago we decided to make a parenting plan, well that has went nowhere. She refuses to even return the parenting plan to me after I made the changes I want. She won't answer my phone calls or my text messages. So here is what my prediction is, as spring break looms closer, she'll change her mind completely about spending time with the kids, and it'll be another wasted trip. So, last year she took an order of protection against me and filed a harrassment charge. She's a cop in Kingsport Tennessee and never told me about the OP, even though we've been on 3 vacations together,,,2 with the kids and one without. Now I have decided to hire an attorney to take care of this. Another 1500.00 down the drain, that would've made for a great spring break! So then after that I'll have to retain another attorney to get the parenting plan to go through,,,blahhhhhhhhh. So the battle for what's best for the children is on, but I have a secret weapon in my arsenal.. A weapon I cannot divulge but I have hopes that in June it'll turn the tide on many things.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Where I come from

I was born in Laughlin Clinic in Greeneville Tennessee and raised primarily by my maternal grandmother. I can remember as far back to the Watergate hearings and I remember when my granny bought her first new brick home in the Asbury area of Washington county Tn. When we moved in the road paver was still in front of the house and the yards were all covered in straw this was 1971. I remember granny taking me down to Asbury elementary school for kindergarten but I hadn't had my shots so granny said we try again next year and I got my shots that fall and started school the following year in the first grade, completely skipping kindergarten! Mrs. Dyer was my first grade teacher she was short and wore horn rimmed glasses, I thought she was mean for some reason but I got along well in first grade. I knew all of my letters except "Q" and could tie one shoe, Joe Clay would tie the other for me. My school bus drivers name was Mr. Bird, I remember it because we rode a Blue Bird bus and listened to Daddy-O-Don Gibson on the radio, our school had three buses and Mr. Birds was the only bus with a radio so we could listen to tunes. Don Gibson had a monkey named Pedro the Monkey. I think he's still a dj back home but not on AM 790 WETB. Not sure AM 790 is even still around.
I'll post more later about where I come from

About me


After reading other people's blogs I thought I'd start my own as a way to vent my feelings, share my life, thoughts, and hopes. My main goal is to get back home to Tennessee to be a dad to my two awesome kids, Dakota and Maddy. Two years ago their mother and I separated and I moved to Phoenix Arizona for a job, while out here my ex wife served me with papers for a divorce and after a year of fighting, depression, and stress we divorced. Since the divorce we have managed to build a somewhat shaky friendship, I still got upset when she told me a month ago that she's seeing another man, inside I knew it was coming but ouch, that hurts to know.
I'm 42 years old will be 43 in June, holy smokes I'm getting old. I love the outdoors and I love woodworking and tinkering on anything, broken or not. I'm easy going and typically have a great sense of humor. I have very few friends but the ones I have mean the world to me. I love motorcycles and have ridden all over the country, I love flying and was working on my pilots license til the telecom collapse of 2001. I have a dream that someday I'd get to sail a small boat from the U.S. to somewhere, anywhere, maybe the Bahamas or the Caribbean, the thought of sailing, to me is so romantic, so basic. The wind and sea. I love collecting old "technology" I have an old TRS80 computer from 1982 still in the box, I love old albums and records and old stereos like the one I had growing up at my granny's house. I love dogs and horses but currently own none. If I won the lottery what would I do? I'd move back home, buy a couple acres of land and a house and I would live for my children. I would have them over every day their mom is working, I'd take them on trips and share the things I know with them, share the places I've seen and take them places I have always wanted to go. If I could go back to Tennessee to be with them I would never leave again.